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cat's corner

Currently reading

Shadows of Asphodel
Karen Kincy
1,000 Artist Journal Pages: Personal Pages and Inspirations
Dawn DeVries Sokol
Writers and Their Notebooks
Diana M. Raab, Phillip Lopate
Writer for Hire, 101 Secrets to Freelance Sucess
Kelly James-Enger
Progress: 123/224 pages
Shadows of Asphodel
Karen Kincy
Writer for Hire: 101 Secrets to Freelance Success
Kelly James Enger
Quiet. The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking - Susan  Cain Such an interesting book;can't believe it took me so long to finish, but I kept getting distracted by all my fictional "must read RIGHT THIS SECOND." I only wish I'd had access to a book like this while growing up as it might have made coping with childhood as an introvert in a culture that prizes extroversion.